The Truth Project has had a profound impact on my life.  I remember the day a friend invited me to attend a Sunday school session by someone teaching on biblical worldview.  I was immediately captured by a man teaching through projector slides and a puzzle diagram of the worldview spheres.  In the years that followed I watched as the Lord took this man's Sunday school curriculum and transformed this into a revolutionary product for teaching worldview to thousands.  Del Tackett's teachings have radically shaped the way I see the world, how I see God, and how I see my relationship with those around me.  We have taken several groups now through the Truth Project and can't wait for the next series to be launched.  Thank you Del for all that you have done.  

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  • Charles Donnelly

    Charles Donnelly

    I remember going to see Del Tackett take us through leader training for TTP. Going through this and TTP changed me forever. I would never have led others through any major study like this. I loved answering questions and counseling...One on One. but after going through TTP my life became the living sacrifice the bible talks about. I helped start a new church and when I fought to have the church I was in go through TTP we had about 50%+ of the congregation sign up to go through it. I broke this huge # (140+ people) up into tables of 12 people each to keep the small group format. God has used Del to transform me and my wife Karin into leaders who LOVE HIS WORD/TRUTH and LOVE PEOPLE so we can put ourselves last and serve Him and those He loves.