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Engagement Project Training in Largo, Florida, June 5

I just arrived in Florida for our next Engagement Project Training Conference. We will be at Abundant Life Ministries this Saturday morning. I hope to see you there. We are getting cancelled by Facebook and therefore unable to reach people the way we have been doing in the past. You might want to help out by sending the link to those you might know in Florida that have gone through the Truth...

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Bigotry and Rejecting the Truth of Individual Depravity

When a culture rejects the truth of the depravity of man (a fallen, sinful nature), they are left with the difficult task of accounting for the existence of evil in the world. This inevitably leads to assuming that evil comes from something external to the individual. Marxism and Wokeism, as did Maslow, points to social institutions as the source of evil: family, church, state, capitalism, e...

Engagement Project Training in Ocala

I will be in Ocala, Florida on June 26th for our next Engagement Project training conference at Central Christian Church. I hope to see you there. We just finished the training in Largo, and the Lord blessed us all. The next day, on Sunday morning at Trinity Evangelical Free Church, Eustis, Florida, I will address the state of our culture and our need to understand the times in which we liv...

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Engagement Project at Spring Canyon

I'm at Spring Canyon, the Officer's Christian Fellowship retreat center in the Rockies, teaching a week-long Engagement Project to an awesome group of folks from around the country. We have surely been blessed by the Lord here in the midst of the mountains, the lakes, the streams and the beauty of God's creation.

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Events at Des Moines

We're in Des Moines, Iowa for a Pastor's gathering, the Family Leader Summit and the Engagement Project Small Group Training Conference. I look forward to the time with Pastor's and hope we can work together to instill in the body of Christ that God has entrusted the primary work of the kingdom to the common Christian family. The Family Leader is fast becoming recognized as a ...

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The Perfect Storm: Seven Threats to America in Our Times

On Oct 30, 1991, there was strange confluence of weather forces that brought about what came to be known as “the Perfect Storm”, a name that was coined by author Sebastian Junger. The word “perfect”, in this case, does not mean something good and wonderful, but it reflected the crazy fluke that numerous meteorological events were all happening at the same time and place....

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7 Threats in Our Times: (#1) The Rise of the Scoffer and the Depraved Mind

[previous] There are two progressions in Scripture that appear to be manifested in our culture and in our times. These are not onward and upward progressions, but more of a downward spiral. One of those progressions comes primarily from Proverbs where we are introduced to three kinds of people: the simple, the fool, and the scoffer. They are continually contrasted with the wise. We meet a...

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7 Threats in Our Times: (#2) The Rise of Homo Deus and Meo Christianity

In the luxury of a culture where even the lower economic classes live like kings compared to the world’s poor, we have become immensely spoiled. We are lavished with bins overflowing with fresh fruit and vegetables in the dead of winter, aisles full of choice cut-meats, acres of shelves filled with more products than anyone could possibly want, stores with racks of clothes and shoes of ev...

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The First Academy, Orlando

I will be in Orlando, Aug 3-5, to speak to The First Academy faculty and staff. The First Academy, as well as First Baptist Orlando, have been great supporters of the Truth Project and I am looking forward to spending time with them. I will be addressing the state of our culture. If you live in the area, consider them as your school of choice.

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Pensacola Christian College

On August 17 and 18 I will be presenting The Engagement Project to the faculty of Pensacola Christian College. If you haven't heard of PCC and you or your child is considering colleges, give them a look. You will be highly impressed!

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