Colorado still suffers from its worse toxic spill in history. It is now asserted by an investigation panel that the EPA purposely breached the Gold King mine, sending 3 million gallons of toxic waste filled with lead, arsenic and other contaminants into downstream rivers in Colorado, New Mexico and Utah. It is much bigger than the 2010 BP oil spill in the gulf that brought out the condemnation ...
I just got home from filming a segment for the documentary “Is Genesis History?”
We were with Dr. Larry Vardiman in northwest Washington State.
Snowshoes required.
Mt. Baker holds the world’s record for annual snowfall: 1140 inches…nearly 100 feet of snow. That is why we were there. There is a gorgeous glacier on a sister peak, Mt. Shukstan, (my picture above) ...
Islamic terrorism is the modern world’s bubonic plague. In five years, from 1347 to 1352, the plague ended the lives of 25 million people. Terrorism hasn’t reach those numbers yet, but with the development of chemical and nuclear arsenals, it certainly could. And, like the plague, Islamic terrorism strikes without warning and it kills women, children, old, young. Last week, a suicid...
The Senate finds itself boxed into a “no-win” corner. This is where Republicans almost always end up when they try to play the game of politics. Democrats do a much better job and always win at this game.
“Playing politics” is what George Washington loathed. He hated political parties because he believed that one would become more interested in pursuing the benefit of...
In the new release “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” we will be treated with one of our culture’s common threads: vilify all things good.
In the movie, the delightful tradition of a “hero” is once again sacrificed in an attempt to destroy the notion that there is anything truly transcendent…all appearances of good are tainted with evil. We have a pench...
On 9/11, 2,996 people were murdered in the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and in the field in Pennsylvania. We mourned. Republicans and Democrats joined in prayer on the Capitol steps. The nation was stunned.
Yet every day, we murder more than that in our abortion clinics.
Every day.
Day after day.
Week after week.
Over a million babies a year.
Dismembered, heads pierced with scis...
I am voting for life [11/1/2016].
I am also voting for marriage.
There are some who would say this battle is over. The Supreme Court ruled and now, supposedly, “the law of the land” is that marriage no longer means the binding together of one man and one woman. But the Supreme Court also declared that it is legally right to kill a baby in the womb. That doesn’t mean I wo...
I am voting for life and marriage.
I am also voting for sexual sanity.
I don’t suppose there is anything more fundamental to life than the notion of male and female. Whether we look at lions or tigers or bears, the animal kingdom survives because of this basic, yet amazingly awesome reality: God created life and delegated to it the responsibility and privilege to unite as male and f...
I am voting for life, marriage and sexual sanity.
I am also voting for religious liberty.
If anyone has any doubts about the next major pillar of American Society that is going to be pulled down, then you might have your head in the sand. The declarations are clear; the precedents are being set; the agendas are not hidden.
And don’t misunderstand this. Those who are pushing to el...
Today is a day of decision.
Do not listen to whispers of the the enemy or the “World” to snuff your lamp.
Fight for life and marriage, for sexual sanity and religious freedom, for self government and constitutional law.
Fight to tame the Federal Beast which may soon rise to the height that it will consume everything.