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Woke Pharisees

One of several events recorded in the Scriptures that I find somewhat humorous is the time when Jesus healed the beggar who had been blind from birth. He excitedly told people what had happened to him, but they were skeptical that he was really the blind beggar who could now see. So, you have this miraculously healed man essentially running around saying “It’s me! It’s really ...

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MLB Action in Perspective

A lot of voting changes were made last year to accommodate COVID. Georgia recently passed some common-sense laws to bring those temporary rules back to normal while actually loosening up some areas. But the President (‘poorly informed’, let’s generously say) rushed in to declare they were worse than Jim Crow and the bandwagon started. Georgia’s new laws were called racis...

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Inanimate Objects, Documents or Vitiated Minds and Corrupt Morals?

Another mass shooting. Little children dead. An eighteen-year-old, Salvador Ramos, killed them two days before they were to start their summer vacation. And, once again, we get the same old rhetoric from all sides—all a thousand miles away from the problem and therefore the solution. We don't need blind rhetoric. We need divine wisdom and guidance. We need biblical prudence. Ins...

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Homosexual Marriage Ruling: Practical Actions for the Remnant

Okay, we’ve made some observations about the Supreme Court ruling and we have issued a call to confession, repentance and prayer…now what? Well, I would like to offer some practical actions for us to consider. And, since I have a great tendency to see all of the issues and problems around us in terms of where they fall in the social systems that God has created, I will offer my ...

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Gratitude for Sculpting

It is, I suppose, a mark of our lack of gratitude that we have to set aside a day for it. A few days ago, we were having dinner at my daughter’s house. She and my son-in-law had a large pumpkin on the coffee table upon which our grandkids were daily writing things they were thankful for. I find, unfortunately, that the things that come to my mind in these instances, and what prompted t...

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"God Is Not On Our Side: The Religious Right's Big Lie About the Founding of America"

This headline was prominently displayed on, Sunday, June 28, 2015. It is an excerpt from Steven K. Green’s “Inventing a Christian America: The Myth of the Religious Founding”. Green is a law professor and Director of the Center for Religion, Law, and Democracy at Willamette University. Reading the headline, one would think that the article would expose “the ...

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Ethical Nonsense from an AP Article

Jared Fogle, the advertising face of Subway, pled guilty to paying for sex with minors and for possessing child pornography. Both are a crime in this country not only because we find these actions to be unethical, but also because we find that it is in the best interest of our society to have those actions criminalized and subjected to the punishment of the state. Not all unethical actions are ...

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Week in Review: 4.2016

The Hillary Clinton classified email issue keeps getting worse. She not only mishandled thousands of classified documents at the highest security levels, but also now we learn that some of those documents were from human intelligence agents operating live in the field. If ever there was a symbol of how blue-elites are protected by blue-media, this is a huge one. No one, on either side of the r...

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[preface] I have come to be in awe of this attribute of God, for it reveals to us one of the most remarkable characteristics of His nature and, I would dare say, even the very heart of God. As such, it is not surprising that we see it deeply manifested in every aspect of life. God delegates. It is not a word that is literally found in the Bible, just as we will not find omnipotent or o...

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Week in Review: 5.2016

A survey of teenagers released this week reveals they average eleven hours per day in front of a screen: smartphone, television, gaming. Most of the television time is spent streaming via Netflix. Top apps are Instagram and Twitter. Top presidential pick: Bernie Sanders. Hard to imagine how the Hillary Hoax could get worse. Now the FBI says that there are emails so classified and so damaging ...

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