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Week in Review: 5.2016

A survey of teenagers released this week reveals they average eleven hours per day in front of a screen: smartphone, television, gaming. Most of the television time is spent streaming via Netflix. Top apps are Instagram and Twitter. Top presidential pick: Bernie Sanders. Hard to imagine how the Hillary Hoax could get worse. Now the FBI says that there are emails so classified and so damaging ...

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Hunger for Significance

One of the most pressing needs of man, if not the greatest, is to have some sense of significance or worth. I suspect there is nothing more tragic in the heart of man than to be overwhelmed with the sensation that he is absolutely and completely of no value…to anything or anyone. This state of mind, no doubt, is a key factor in depression and even suicidal thoughts and actions. It see...

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A Hummingbird, an iFlower, and a Moment of Glory

Sometimes things occur so quickly that you barely have time to register what is happening. I was sitting on my deck, enjoying the Colorado blue sky, sparkling air and the butterscotch smell of the ponderosa pines. I had a turkey sandwich in my right hand and in my left I was reading an email on my red smartphone. Out of nowhere, a hummingbird appeared, hovering in front of my nose. I coul...

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Total Solar Eclipse: Another Amazing Coincidence?

The light of naturalism’s lamp illuminates only the natural. Therefore, nothing outside of the material realm can be seen. But it’s not that naturalism then supposes there “might be” something out there... in the dark. No, it explicitly states that NOTHING exists outside of the material box. Nothing. Since the current scientific paradigm is wedded to naturalism, it...

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Is My Thanksgiving Focused Inward or Outward?

As I began to think through all the things I am thankful for, a troubling pattern began to emerge. It was all the stuff that somehow made me happy or content or at least brought some sense of self-pleasure. This, I realized was somewhat selfish, if not downright selfish. And so, I began to ponder whether “thanksgiving” was inherently just a plain self-centered action. So, that to...

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On the Road Again...

For those who have been asking…I have been on the road in back-to-back trips for the last month or so. After the Grand Canyon filming, I taught the Calvary Chapel East Anaheim men’s retreat in the mountains of California, followed immediately by teaching at Impact 360, near Callaway Gardens, Georgia. This is an amazing gap-year program run by one of the great foundations of Chick-f...

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Week in Review: 6.2016

Britain approved genetic experimentation with little embryo babies this week. Makes me a little sick to even write that. The article attempted to make it seem okay because, after they have been “genetically played” with, they wouldn’t be allowed to let the embryos grow into “babies” but would be required to destroy them after they had developed to a certain size. O...

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Week in Review: 9.2016

Police are increasingly bailing out. Last year, 52 officers called it quits in Colorado Springs, citing the dramatic rise in violence against law enforcement as their reasons for turning in their badge: the two police officers that were “executed” while sitting in their cruisers; the officer shot and killed a few days ago while helping to serve an eviction notice; the sheriff’...

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Good Friday: Vilifying the Good

In the new release “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” we will be treated with one of our culture’s common threads: vilify all things good. In the movie, the delightful tradition of a “hero” is once again sacrificed in an attempt to destroy the notion that there is anything truly transcendent…all appearances of good are tainted with evil. We have a pench...

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I'm Voting for Life and Marriage

I am voting for life [11/1/2016]. I am also voting for marriage. There are some who would say this battle is over. The Supreme Court ruled and now, supposedly, “the law of the land” is that marriage no longer means the binding together of one man and one woman. But the Supreme Court also declared that it is legally right to kill a baby in the womb. That doesn’t mean I wo...

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