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The Coming Disaster: When Trans Meets Reality

There are hearings going on today in the U.S. Congress where two sides are in a heated clash. On one side is the position that human sexuality is determined by one’s genetic make-up; the other is adamant that it is determined by personal whim. We are rapidly heading to a cultural war, because obviously these two can’t exist side-by-side. If a genetic male who identifies as a woman w...

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7 Threats in Our Times: (#1) The Rise of the Scoffer and the Depraved Mind

[previous] There are two progressions in Scripture that appear to be manifested in our culture and in our times. These are not onward and upward progressions, but more of a downward spiral. One of those progressions comes primarily from Proverbs where we are introduced to three kinds of people: the simple, the fool, and the scoffer. They are continually contrasted with the wise. We meet a...

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Journey Through the Bible

Today starts a new year and it also starts our plan to read through the Bible together over a 2-year period. We have teamed up with Bible Study Together to travel through the Scripture not only chronologically, but also in an integrated journey, so that when we are reading about Abraham offering Isaac, we will that same day read about how Jesus fulfills this type in the book of Hebrews. Each...

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[preface] And one of the elders said to me, “Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.” Revelation 5:5 It would be appropriate for some to argue that including this in our list is suspect because there is only one verse in the Scripture that names Jesus as Lion. But if one ver...

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Surging Crime and a Look At Its Causes

“Crime is first a moral issue. Failure to address it on that level ensures it will only get worse.” Cal Thomas Unless you are a Rumpelstiltskin, you must be keenly aware of our culture’s surging crime. In our own city, we have had eight murders already this year compared to only one by this time last year… and last year we set a record high for murders. This is in...

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When Infants Invade Adult Bodies

On Election Day, at lunchtime, I was at a park in Colorado Springs. On one corner of the park sits one of our big high schools. It was a nice day (normal for the Springs) and the students filled the park, several making out lying on the grass. On the opposite corner stood a young man, conservatively dressed, holding an American flag and a Trump sign. He had a radio on the ground, not very loud,...


7 Threats: (#4) The Consolidation of Massive Earthly Power

One of the most fascinating aspects of God’s nature is that He delegates authority and power. We see this from the very beginning of creation when He grants to plants and animals and human beings the authority and responsibility to reproduce, to be fruitful, to multiply and fill the earth. He even delegates to man the privilege to ask God’s Hand to move, such that if he does not ask...

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Socialism (6): Intersectionality

One of the growing pieces of the Marxist/Socialist worldview in our culture is the theory of intersectionality. If you haven’t heard of it, you will. It is an important element used to help create a “victim class”. The theory of intersectionality was developed by Kimberle Crenshaw, a professor at both UCLA and Columbia Law Schools. She was also key in developing Critical R...

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“Millions of White Voters Are Once Again Showing Who They Are”

I thought this CNN article would be a good way to illustrate how the Woke (Marxist/Socialist) worldview creates its own ethical foundation. Remember, Marxism believes that anything that promotes the movement toward Socialism/Communism is moral; anything that hinders it is immoral. If you look at this headline and read the article, you will find that it is blatantly racist. Here is a quote: ...

Happy 12321

It doesn’t happen too often that a date is a palindrome, which means it reads the same both forward and backward. What is unique about today’s date is that it followed yesterday’s palindrome: 12022021. I leave it to you to figure out when this will ever happen again or if it has ever happened in the past. However, all of this got me thinking about calendar dates and espe...

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