Journey Through the Bible

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Today starts a new year and it also starts our plan to read through the Bible together over a 2-year period. We have teamed up with Bible Study Together to travel through the Scripture not only chronologically, but also in an integrated journey, so that when we are reading about Abraham offering Isaac, we will that same day read about how Jesus fulfills this type in the book of Hebrews.

Each day will present about 10 minutes of Scripture along with relevant questions from those passages to ponder, pertinent maps, and videos from The Bible Project to match up with your reading.

I hope you will join us on this venture. Nothing is more important in the day in which we live than to be firm in the Word of God. I have often thought how amazing it is that we have, in written, black and white form, the very words of the Creator of the universe, given to us to read and study and meditate upon. If ever we needed the guidance and grounding and wisdom from God, we need it now.

I am looking forward to this and hope you will join me.

Happy New Year!

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