“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
When God was announcing the birth of Jesus, the advent of Christ, the coming of the long-awaited Messiah promised all the way back in the Garden of Eden, He used these words:
The people who walked in darkness
have seen a great light;
“I am the way, and the truth, and the LIFE...” John 14:6
I suppose there is nothing that we take for granted more than the reality of life. We wake in the morning and get out of bed and go about our daily activities. And yet, we seldom stop to ponder that everything we did that day was because we were animated by this mysterious thing called life. Our eyes see, o...
“Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29
I find it fascinating that the very first description of Jesus, as He was beginning His ministry here on earth, is that He was declared to be the “Lamb of God”. For us today, the imagery provokes something soft and huggable. My granddaughter has a fluffy lamb doll. We have several...
I don’t follow Major League Baseball anymore. I suppose you can rack that up to my rebellion against all things Woke. MLB moved their All-Star game from Atlanta to Denver, screaming all kinds of silly stuff about Georgia being racist and it was the proverbial str...
President Biden recently issued an Executive Order[1] against “conversion therapy”. When I first heard this my initial thought was “wait, isn’t Christianity a conversion therapy”? Doesn’t Christianity rest upon the hope that God can forgive repentant sinners and completely transform them such that they are described as being “reborn” and a “...
For many of us, the hope of overturning Roe v. Wade was a little beyond imagination.
But it has happened.
The Federal endorsed slaughter of millions of babies as the consequence of an unconstitutional and immoral ruling has come to an end with today’s Supreme Court’s decision.
It will not bring those babies back.
They are all gone.
But maybe the Lord’s favor...
If you happen to be in Colorado Springs on June 23, 2022, you may wish to join me at Village Seven Presbyterian Church for their "Grace and Grub"... food and fellowship and some teaching. I will be teaching on the misconceptions that have crept into the Christian mind and heart regarding our relationship to God. Is the relationship that we have because of Christ a "Give and Get&q...
Another mass shooting. Little children dead. An eighteen-year-old, Salvador Ramos, killed them two days before they were to start their summer vacation.
And, once again, we get the same old rhetoric from all sides—all a thousand miles away from the problem and therefore the solution. We don't need blind rhetoric. We need divine wisdom and guidance. We need biblical prudence.
I have an incredible chart of history. It shows the spread of people groups, the rise and fall of world empires, the modern world wars, major epidemics, important discoveries and inventions—thousands and thousands of key events in the chronology of human affairs from creation week until it was published in 1992 and given to me as a phenomenal gift. I refer to it often.
But none of thes...
For behold, your enemies make an uproar;
those who hate you have raised their heads.
They lay crafty plans against your people;
they consult together against your treasured ones. Psalm 83:2-3
The headline in our newspaper read: “Religious reference upsets D-20 parents”.
Our local school district is having a battle. A new Board Member thinks parents should have mo...