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Woke Pharisees

One of several events recorded in the Scriptures that I find somewhat humorous is the time when Jesus healed the beggar who had been blind from birth. He excitedly told people what had happened to him, but they were skeptical that he was really the blind beggar who could now see. So, you have this miraculously healed man essentially running around saying “It’s me! It’s really ...

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Mascot Self-Righteous Cancelling Nonsense

I married a direct descendent of Chief Fields. He led the Cherokee delegation to Washington in 1866. I grew up not far from the Fort Hall Indian Reservation in Idaho and had many friends that were from tribes such as the Navajo and Shoshone-Bannock. I am familiar with the difficult circumstances of the American Native Indian and think it remains a major blemish on the American record. Howeve...

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Christmas (3): The Promised Seed            

But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman… Galatians 4:4 It was the “fullness of time”. It was as if all of the promises and prophecies, like alarm clocks, were set to go off at this moment. It was as if all the stars and heavenly host had been created and put into motion to come into perfect alignment at this perfect time. It was as i...

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Christmas (2): The Incarnation      

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:14 I suppose no truth claim found within the biblical worldview can match the sheer awe brought about by the incarnation. Wayne Grudem puts it this way: It is by far the most amazing miracle of the entire Bible—far more amazing than the resurrection and more amazing even than the creation of the universe. The fact that the ...

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Christmas (1): The Humiliation      

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form o...

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The Wisdom of Walter Williams Is Not Gone

The world lost a great man in Walter Williams last week. We lost a great mind, a practical thinker, a wonderful economics teacher. Showing his students not only the truth, but how you get to that truth seemed to be his consistent objective and pattern. His column was always a must read for me and I learned much from him over the years. It was through him that I first learned of the folly of ...

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Socialism (6): Intersectionality

One of the growing pieces of the Marxist/Socialist worldview in our culture is the theory of intersectionality. If you haven’t heard of it, you will. It is an important element used to help create a “victim class”. The theory of intersectionality was developed by Kimberle Crenshaw, a professor at both UCLA and Columbia Law Schools. She was also key in developing Critical R...

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Socialism (5): Creation of the Victim Class

Let’s return to our excerpts from the Marxism/Socialism game plan. I have substituted “victim class” for “working class” and will explain why: Pit classes against each other, make the ruling class the hated enemy and the victim class the righteous underdog. Promise the victim class, through revolution, a redemptive hope of utopia and the spoils of civil war...

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“Millions of White Voters Are Once Again Showing Who They Are”

I thought this CNN article would be a good way to illustrate how the Woke (Marxist/Socialist) worldview creates its own ethical foundation. Remember, Marxism believes that anything that promotes the movement toward Socialism/Communism is moral; anything that hinders it is immoral. If you look at this headline and read the article, you will find that it is blatantly racist. Here is a quote: ...

How I Organize My Prayers

I think one of the most neglected attributes of God is that He is socially complex. We speak of this as the triune nature—one God, but existing in three persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, bound together in perfect relationship. I believe it is this aspect of God’s character that brought forth in creation not only a universe filled with relationships—systems of systems of diver...

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