Week in Review: 10.2016

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  • Colorado still suffers from its worse toxic spill in history. It is now asserted by an investigation panel that the EPA purposely breached the Gold King mine, sending 3 million gallons of toxic waste filled with lead, arsenic and other contaminants into downstream rivers in Colorado, New Mexico and Utah. It is much bigger than the 2010 BP oil spill in the gulf that brought out the condemnation of every Blue mouthpiece in the country. But when the EPA does it and it could possibly lead to more EPA power, using their “superfund” regulations in light of this “horrible disaster”, then it is hardly a surprise that we hear nary a peep about it. This is the battle that occurs when we have lost the press as a watchdog voice to government tyranny. It is one of our greatest losses in America.
  • Trump sullied not only the office of President as a candidate, but our whole country making vulgar comments about his anatomy. For the life of me, I don’t understand why evangelicals are supporting him when they have other great options during the primary.
  • I am concerned. In Salt Lake City, two police officers were called to a scene where two males were beating a third male with metal rods. The officers ordered them to stop. One did but the other raised his metal weapon as if to strike the victim again. The police shot him and the bystanders began yelling obscenities and throwing rocks and bottles at the policemen. A hundred policemen were called in to deal with the riot. We are breeding a catastrophic hatred and disregard for authority and the rule of law. This does not bode well for people in urban areas and our nation. Soon, the police are going to simply let the thugs go. In this case, one more blow to the head and the victim might have died. Police are increasingly being put in a no-win position.
  • As evidence of this, an article this week presented the ugly picture in Chicago, which has one of the toughest gun laws in the nation. Homicides and shootings have doubled in the first two months of 2016 compared to last year…95 murders in 60 days…which is hard to imagine. As usual, instead of dealing with the root problem, the police are being held as the culprit because there is evidence, not surprisingly, that in the midst of being labeled the bad guy and increasingly targeted and killed, it appears that the police are being more cautious about engaging. There have been 80% less street stops in Chicago this year. I personally don’t blame them because they are “damned if they do and damned if they don’t”. All of us should be concerned about this, even if you don’t live in an urban area. When a culture begins to break down, it can happen quite rapidly.
  • Leonard Pitts, one of the most racist columnists in America, took on Ben Carson in his recent column. I have yet to read one of his articles where his hatred of whites isn’t quite apparent. But Leonard isn’t just black, he is primarily blue. He not only takes on whites, but he similarly lumps any black who isn’t blue into his pot of hated stew. Because Ben Carson spoke against Obama care, he is to be loathed…along with any other conservative black, such as Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas or Walter Williams…heroes, by the way, of mine. I remember standing on the South Lawn of the White House with wet eyes as Justice Thomas was sworn in because of the hatred poured out against him. But not because he was black. But because he wasn’t blue. Don’t be fooled. It is often not race, but a worldview that is thicker than blood or genes or flags.
  • The headlines read that Trump won big on Super Tuesday and Saturday. The reality is somewhat less than that. While he was declared the winner in Kentucky, he got 17 delegates and Cruz got 15. Initially declared the winner in Louisiana, Trump got 18 delegates and Cruz got 18. Declared the winner in Virginia, he got 17 and Rubio 16. So, we learn what we should already know, Blue Media is going to continue to make Trump look good and give him a pass on his vulgar, hateful, disrespectful speech. Why? Because Blue Media is beside themselves with glee over the possibility that Trump will become the Republican nominee. Why? Because all polls show that Trump cannot win against either Hillary or Bernie. Not only that, but can you imagine the guns they can turn upon Trump during the main election? He will held up as the vile, self-centered, power-hungry, last-person-on-earth-you-want-with-a-finger-on-the-nuclear-button, most un-presidential person in the whole world that he is. Trump won’t stand a chance against the Blue Media in a red versus blue election. Worldview trumps everything. Read the headlines carefully. The bias is huge in this election. Everything will be pointed toward the impending demise of conservatism in America…which, of course, is Blue Media’s objective.
  • The military are now recruiting women into combat jobs, thanks to the current Administration, including special operations roles, such as the Navy SEALs. There are promises that standards will not be lowered nor will “quotas” be enforced, but I am a skeptic here. I am also of the opinion that you never put a woman in harms way. This, I know, is out of the main stream of thought in a country that has attempted to put a big chip on every woman’s shoulder to be offended if there be any hint of chauvinism anywhere. I still think that it is proper for a man to open a door for a woman or assist her in putting a heavy piece of luggage in an overhead compartment. I also am a realist and recognize that, despite modern blabber, there are significant differences between male and female. In many, many ways, the female is superior to the male. But when we ignore that and put men and women in the confines of a submarine for months at a time and are then shocked to find that we have to deal with significant “hanky panky” on board and women come back from a tour pregnant, it is, to me, another piece in the pile of evidence that we have lost all common sense and have become fools.
  • North Korea has blustered again with Kim Jong-un ordering his nuclear weapons armed and ready for an attack against Washington D.C. and Seoul, South Korea. We will essentially ignore that threat, however, just as we have been passive in the aggressive moves of Putin in Ukraine, Turkey and now Syria. Some think that passivity is the right approach; others think that passivity will eventually lead to drastic measures, just as being passive toward a spot on your skin that looks threatening. Let it go long enough and it can bite you.
  • Speaking of Syria, the situation looks bleak. In five years of conflict there, over 250,000 people have lost their lives and 11 million have fled their homes with over four million fleeing the country as refugees. Many Christians fear that they will be subject to genocide in the refugee camps and are therefore refusing to take sanctuarly there. This dumps a double plight upon refugee Christians.


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