…in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me,
when as yet there was not one of them. Psalm 139:16
I have often thought of the many, many times that God has spared me from tragedy. I have yet to come up with a good phrase for it, but I call it “tragedies unfilled”. These are the disasters that the Lord prevents, many of which are totally unknown to me.
For example, the Scriptures tell us that God keeps us from temptations that we cannot bear. That means there must have been a temptation headed our way, otherwise God could not have “kept us from it”. And we are most likely clueless when all of this happens because it didn’t happen and we are therefore unaware of it. This is why I try to often thank God for all the things He has done of which I’m ignorant.
There are many ways the Lord protects us like this. Consider Psalm 66:9
…He has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping.
This implies to me that there are times when my feet were going to slip, but He kept that from happening.
But the subject I wanted to address is in the first part, that He preserves our lives. If our days are numbered, then one could imagine a clock, like the one in a basketball court, where there is a certain amount of time left in the game, or, in this case, our lives. That clock is counting down and nothing is going to change it. If something arises that would end it prematurely, God “preserves our lives”.
I firmly believe this. And I believe that most of those times I am unaware of God’s Providential Hand.
But not yesterday.
Yesterday morning, I got in my truck to go to church. It had snowed the night before, preceded by drizzle and temperatures in the teens. I put my truck in 4-wheel drive to get out of our snowy driveway and left it in as I navigated the streets and roads. When I got to a major thoroughfare, I pushed the button to go out of 4-wheel drive in to its “auto” setting.
That’s when everything changed.
Immediately, the truck’s rear end began to slip and it turned 90 degrees to my left. I grew up in Idaho and have lived in Colorado for over 30 years and I have been in numerous situations where the vehicle begins this kind of slide. I know how to get out of them and have done so many, many times. Not today. Nothing I did made any difference. It seemed my truck was acting totally on its own. At this point, I was sliding down the highway at about 60 miles per hour, sideways. Then, just as abruptly, my truck rotated 180 degrees to my right and then darted for the median and dead center toward a huge light pole. I thought for sure I was going to wrap around that pole with me at the bend. But then, the tires caught a little and I just missed it, only to see a huge power box dead ahead, staring me in the face. Just before hitting it, the truck rotated another 180 degrees and I then shot up the embankment and across the roadway. No cars hit me and I finally came to rest off the shoulder on the left.
All of this happened in slow motion, as you have heard many people report. But, in reality, it probably took somewhere less than 10 seconds. After sitting there for a minute or so and seeing people drive by staring at me, I drove on to church and sat through the service as though nothing had happened.
But something had happened. And the biggest thing that happened was invisible to me. It was the Providential Hand of God that “preserved my life” and “kept my foot from slipping”. Without Him, my wife would today either be a widow, or would be standing by my bedside at the hospital, maybe facing the decision that a good friend of mine had to face only a month ago, to turn the life machines off. I am travelling to that funeral in a few days.
It is wise and prudent for us to know that our days are numbered. Ponder this from Acts 13:36:
Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed.
God has a purpose for you and for me. When that purpose has been served, our days will come to an end. May we be a good steward of those days and hours that God has ordained for us.